Today's pictures were mainly taken at the local library on my digital camera. Yay! finally managed to get it working. I'm trying to enjoy these last few days of holidays before I go back to school and exams. Sigh... Anyway, apart from trying to desperately catch up on study and holiday homework, I've been shopping, beaching and blogging.
The top today was a recent buy that I love from Valleygirl, skirt from Brandy Melvilee, shoes from hype and necklace from Diva. I don't think you guys can see it to clearly but the necklace is a series of golden skulls. My family says it reminds them of a Indiana Jones movie. But I love it and I like to add a touch of grungey vibe to the otherwise pretty in pink outfit. Hope you guys have a great weekend!
Plus please go check out my Instagram @themoonanditscraters and also follow me on Bloglovin and get me to my goal of 100 followers!!
I can tell you like pink!